Unicorn Party Food -for a magical party

Unicorn Party food ideas MomMadeMoments
Unicorn Party food ideas MomMadeMoments

What does every Unicorn Party need? Unicorn Party Food, of course! 🙂

We recently had a small unicorn party for my 5-year old daughter. It was a tiny party due to the current covid-19 restrictions, of course, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t make it fun and have themed foods and themed games and decorations as we usually do. It’s sort of our thing and we really love planning these parties together 🙂

You can see more of our themed party ideas, party foods and get lots of free downloadable templates under the “themed parties” category on top of this page.

The colour scheme was pink, purple and rainbow colours. No surprise there for a 5-year old girl obsessed with rainbow and unicorns 🙂

I also take orders for themed party food, cakes and decorations. Contact me through Facebook or Instagram if you are looking for something special. The links are on top of the page. You can see some of what I do on my page: Order Customized Cakes in Goa

Ideas for Unicorn Party Food -that you can do at home:

Mini Unicorn Cupcakes

These mini chocolate cupcakes are a real hit with party guests so we tend to have them in different variations for every party. They are equally pretty all “dressed up” as Snow White or as the cloud at the end of the rainbow too. They are airy, beautifully chocolaty and not too big, so party guests can eat one in two bites -which means less wastage too. I have used my chocolate muffin recipe to make these. Follow the instructions for the mini muffins as they require a little less time in the oven than the big ones.

Decorate the cupcakes with fondant or 250-300gsm paper cut-outs. You can also buy edible wafer toppings online, like these butterflies from Amazon.in. In my humble opinion, the edible wafers do not taste that great, but at least they will dissolve quickly and you don’t have to warn the party guests to take off the paper topping before eating the cupcake.

Unicorn party ideas Unicorn mini cupcakes

Unicorn Butter Cookies

These pretty unicorn butter cookies add something a little extra to the party. They were so cute, that the kids didn’t dare to eat any of them at first unless prompted. I decorated these along with my 5-year old (I made the outline and she filled in the colours) while we also prepared the iced cookies for the “cookie painting” party activity.

I used these recipes for butter cookies and easy icing. The unicorn cookie cutter is from Amazon.in.

Homemade Lollipops

Homemade lollipops -in the party theme colours of course! The kids loved these sweet strawberry flavoured lollipops.

I had made peppermint candy canes several times during Christmas and felt motivated to try making hard candy again with a different flavour and design. It was my first time making homemade lollipops so they are not all the same size or design. But maybe that is what makes them special? And nobody cared of course -other than me 🙂

You can read more about these, get all the tips and the recipe here.

Recipe for Homemade Lollipop DIY Unicorn Party MomMadeMoments

Merengue Kisses

Kids absolutely love these merengue kisses. They are crunchy, sweet and pure melt-in-your-mouth goodness. I love that they can be adapted to fit every theme. I had made them for our Trolls Poppy Party too where they were Cloud Guy’s “sweet clouds”. Follow this link for the full recipe and my best tips.

Merengue Kisses

Rainbow Popcorn

My kids LOVE these rainbow popcorn! It’s simply popped popcorn with coloured white chocolate which makes them both salty and sweet, crunchy and soft. They may look slightly too weird for some people, but they are really very tasty and so addictive. I am adding the recipe and the steps to follow soon.

DIY Unicorn party food ideas rainbow popcorn

Unicorn Cake -a must for a Unicorn Party

A Unicorn Party is not complete without a Unicorn Cake. This is a rich chocolate cake with chocolate ganache covered with fondant and piped buttercream. The “hair” goes all the way down the back. Unfortunately I failed to take a photo of this.

Unicorn Party Ideas Unicorn cake

Rainbow Fruits

As always, we needed some healthy themed food too. And this colourful rainbow fruit plate simply ticks all the boxes. It’s colourful and pretty, easy to make and prepare in advance and the kids tend to eat lots of fruit when it’s bite-sized and beautiful. You can also make rainbow fruit skewers instead.

There are lots of options for rainbow-coloured fruits depending on country and season:

Red: Strawberries, cherries, watermelon or pomegranate seeds

Orange: Orange, clementine, nectarine, mango or papaya

Yellow: Banana, pineapple or honey melon

Green: Green grape, green apple (with the skin on), green pear or kiwi fruit

Blue: Blueberries or black grapes

Violet: Purple grapes or plum

DIY Unicorn party food ideas rainbow fruits

Rainbow Jelly

I had also made rainbow jelly. Unfortunately I failed to take a picture of it, so the picture below is from my rainbow jelly recipe, which you can find here on this site. I had made individual cups in smaller plastic glasses so this recipe made 12 cups of jelly instead of 6 big glasses.

Rainbow Jelly Homemade Jelly

That was all our Unicorn Party Food! Hope you enjoyed this post -we certainly enjoyed making it all. 🙂

See this post for lots of unicorn games, such as a unicorn treasure hunt, pin the horn on the unicorn and cookie painting. There are lots of decoration ideas too with FREE downloads for an awesome, easy DIY Unicorn Party.

Unicorn Party Games and decorations

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